art of suffering

by patti sinclair

tell us about your mother’s lands
place of birth
weather, geography
sunny days
what sign
social forces
state of the fridge or icebox
where the power was stored
who cared 
what     for survival
how full the cup

not the volume of market points
latest game of raw 
politics, induced 
well-being, tell us 

about your mother’s pain
was it defused
did it seep, flood, swirl
was it baked into bread
drained into soil
felled into thick silt 
did it germinate
hang on the line
did it grow tough?

did it linger, reveal
shimmer, was it able 
to blush
to bloom?

pain is no shame
an out-of-the-blue to medicate
secret to be muted

it can be a bird to fly
an ocean to swim 
muscle to build
a kind of practice
	an art 
this suffering
	a guide

tell us about your mother’s pain

patti sinclair’s poems have ridden buses,
surfed radio-waves,
live in journals, & been executed
at poetry, art, & music festivals.
This past year delivered
THE RIGHTFULSKIN, with Rose Garden Press,
the late season maintains a future with At Bay Press,
& poetry is screaming at the back wall
with The Soap Box Press.
More: @locating the beauty &
Author portrait: Kim Blair: The Poetic Face :